Many folks may not realize that one of the most rewarding things we at PIP do is nurture, prepare and empower our young patients to grow up to be healthy, self-aware adults. And a big responsibility that comes along with that is registering and taking the time to become informed and VOTE!
We are encouraged and impressed but the enthusiasm our young adults have as they look ahead to the world they will inherit, the country they will mould. Most are automatically registered to vote when they applied for the CO driver’s license but it’s important to be sure!
The rhetoric and political discourse have been especially hard to handle this time around. We encourage families to use this opportunity to have family discussions, listen to each other, wade through the “muck” and help kids learn to ask the important questions that can help them identify the issues they can support. Now, more than ever, modeling that ability to respect the views of others and try to find common ground is so important.
It’s becoming clear that, in addition to learning how to nurture and maintain “good health”, it’s also important to plant that seed to grow the next generation of citizens. From our experiences with many of them, they have the energy and drive to help change our world for the better!
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