Helping Your Children Deal With The Recent School Shooting in Texas

We are devastated, sad and angry that yet again, we must hear of another school shooting tragedy, in a place that should be a safe haven for children.

Here is a helpful PDF from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network. It contains tips and guidance for how you can help your children cope with the recent traumatic news.

Here is another article with similar guidance and advice from Dr. James Murphy, a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist.

Parents may also refer to the “STRESS”chapter in NHK handbook for integrated options to help during this time. If you or your family are facing an urgent need to talk to a counselor text “TALK” to the CO Crisis Line at 38255.

Our thoughts are with families and children everywhere.

Partners In Pediatrics Denver Integrative Holistic Medicine Child Health Care Kids Children Texas School Shooting Tragedy Coping Guide Trauma Stress

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