The beloved Dr. Jerry Rubin, one of Partners In Pediatrics’ founding partners, is retiring in Summer 2023 after 43 wonderful years. Affectionately known as “Dr. Mickey” by many of his patients, Dr. Rubin will leave behind a legacy of kindness, warmth and care.
Here is his retirement letter:
Dear Families,
Beginning in July, I reduced my office time to 2 days a week (usually Monday and Tuesday) for one year, and then it is my plan to retire in Summer of 2023 after 43 wonderful years here.
Partners In Pediatrics is the only career I have ever had, and what an amazing career it has been. I went into pediatrics because I wanted to be involved in the lives of children and watch them grow and discover. I wanted to help them to do that in a healthy and safe environment. I imagined I would need to share what I knew as I continued to grow in my knowledge. Then something surprising happened. My knowledge expanded by what all the wonderful families who have come through PIP taught me. I learned to help you find your instinct, and then we all learned to trust it. You allowed me to share in your lives with triumph and joy and worry and fear, and sometimes tragedy. We partnered together to learn more natural treatments to enhance the many amazing aspects of modern medicine. The thing I hold most sacred is that I was entrusted to join and share in the journey of keeping your kids healthy and safe…..and for that, there are no words which can really express my gratitude.
There are many people that need to be thanked for their devotion to Partners and their diligent service to our families and providers. Thanks to our original practice manager Jane Gwin, office manager Pam Klibbe, our current practice managers, Tasha Whatley and Natalie Otteson, our assistant office manager Linda Sawano and our operations manager, Tom Gwin. Without these extraordinary people, the wheels would have run off the tracks many times.
I want to thank all of the many wonderful staff and providers that have called Partners In Pediatrics their home, even if only for a short while….especially our current team of doctors, PA’s, and NP. You all make coming to the office a joy every day.
Thanks to my partners, Lisa Miller, Mike Simones, and Emily Granath. These three excellent physicians have not only developed and refined their craft of pediatrics, but they have also understood and enlivened the unique culture of PIP and are ready at the helm to take PIP forward into its future.
I am especially grateful to my founding partners…Jordan Klein, Dean Prina, and Nancy Lataitis, with whom the concept of Partners in Pediatrics was conceived and grown to its present-day appearance. In the early 1980’s we created a vision of a pediatric office that would embrace and integrate the best of both modern conventional medicine and the many safe and effective tools of natural medicine, helping to grow “Naturally Healthy Kids.”
Last but by no means least, I want to thank my life partner…my wife, Terry Rubin. She has helped in countless immeasurable ways to grow and shape the culture of PIP as a nurse and the HRA for 25 years and to be my sounding board and best friend in the journey of practicing pediatrics my entire career.
With deep gratitude,
Jerry Rubin MD
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